Electric11 Service Terms & Conditions

Hourly Rate Work

Where your quote itemises hourly rate work for items such as fault finding, we will charge the amount of time spent by us carrying out
work including all reasonable time incurred collecting non-van stocked materials, Materials obtained and supplied by us incur a +20%
markup. The first hour at the Premises will be a minimum charge and any time thereafter is charged in 15-minute intervals rounded up to the closet 15-minute period. Our current hourly rate can be found in our services & pricing.

Fixed Price Work

The expected costs listed within an estimate or quotation are given inclusive of labour & materials,
This is based on the scope written within the quotation. If you request additional works outside of those listed, they will be subject to
additional costs which can either be quoted or charged at our current hourly rate + materials + mark up.

A quotation is based on the expectation that your current installation is of a reasonable standard, if defects are found with your
current installation during our works we will advise on the course of action required to bring the installation up to a satisfactory standard
and advise on the additional costs this may incur.

EICR’s are charged at a fixed price based on the size of your property as detailed within our services and pricing page.

Invoices & Payment

Upon your acceptance of a quotation or estimate a deposit payment of 50% of the total is required to secure the installation date for
the works. For solar and Battery storage systems we only require an initial 25% to secure the installation date, with a further 25% mobilisation costs to be paid 7 days prior to the agreed installation date.
Once the full scope or individual elements of the work are completed you will be invoiced, and payment is required to be made within 3
working days of receipt of the invoice. Electric11 reserves the right to accrue and charge interest on any part of an invoice which
remains unpaid at a rate of 4% over the base rate until payment is received by us in full this will be calculated and added every 7 day
period that payment is overdue.